A Safety Shield and a Guard – What’s the Difference?

You have two basic options for safeguarding your machinery: guards and safety shields. Great! So, what are they? How are they different? And how do you know you’re using the proper safety equipment in your shop? Let’s examine what it takes to protect your most valuable assets—you and your employees—with proper safety shields and guards….
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Four Myths to Stop Believing About Machine Guarding

Regarding machine guarding in the workplace, some pervasive myths might undermine your safety efforts. You may have heard these four commonly believed myths, but they won’t hold up when tested against current knowledge about safeguarding. Here are the four most common machine-guarding myths and the truths you need to know to protect yourself, your employees,…
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Machine Safety – One of OSHA’s Most-Cited Violations!

OSHA’s list of the top ten most-cited violations for 2017 included machine safety as one of their top three. If you thought OSHA was going to brush this under the rug, cross their fingers, and hope that everyone would start doing better, well… Sorry, but you were wrong. Machine safety compliance has been a major…
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